Tips & Tricks

Utilizing One-to-One Marketing to Enrich the Customer Experience

One-to-one marketing is a customer relationship management strategy that centers on personalized and relevant interactions with the individual customer. It’s reminiscent of the mom-and-pop shops from years past, when small business owners knew customers’ individual affinities and were better equipped to provide exceptional customer service. One-to-one marketing puts the customer first, which is the crux of any successful customer-centric strategy. Companies that adopt one-to-one marketing experience results that outperform static, segmented campaign-based marketing.

The challenge with one-to-one marketing, though, is that large companies and enterprises handle millions of customers and rarely deal with them face-to-face, thanks to social media and mobile devices. Consumers read and trust online reviews written by strangers, utilize self-service customer help and complete transactions online in seconds. Yet, customers have high expectations of the businesses that they deal with because, at some level, they believe that those businesses must have the ability to access their data and should be able to deliver a useful interaction with them.

In order to engage at the individual-level, marketers need to have the ability to analyze and determine actions based on all of the data available on the individual customer. This considers behavioral, contextual, rapidly-changing usage, service interaction, social and consumption information. Only then can you ensure the most targeted, accurate and timely interactions.

To master one-to-one marketing, you must bridge the gap between your customer data and marketing execution by having the right technology in place to provide actionable intelligence about each and every customer.

How does your marketing team engage at the individual customer-level?

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