Product News

Lily 2.0 – the All-In-One Big Data Solution

Big Data is a term thrown around an awful lot these days. Everyone is getting in the Big Data game, but few have really mastered how to effectively use it. Where we’ve really seen a hole in the market is the lack of an all-in-one solution that helps enterprise organizations cut to the bottom line: knowing their customers better and driving sales, loyalty and profitability.  The only way to truly do this effectively is to get a real-time 360 degree view of each one of your customers. For instance, know where they live, what they are buying, the kind of music they are listening to and sharing with friends, what day of the week they do their grocery shopping, which brands they are most likely to buy, etc. There are a lot of companies out there that do some parts of the process, whether it’s analytics, real-time marketing or collecting Big Data. However, next to ERP, CRM, Data Warehouses, MES systems, etc, there is a vital role that none of these applications fulfill on their own. And, this role is something that experts agree is needed by enterprises in today’s fast moving consumer economy: customer knowledge management.

Enter Lily 2.0: the industry’s only solution that enables enterprises to gain a 360 degree view of their customers by combining and analyzing structured, unstructured and semi-structured data from multiple sources. Currently deployed at several enterprise organizations, Lily helps customers gain deep insights into their customers, products, markets and operations to optimize business processes and create highly personalized offers that drive sales and increase customer intimacy. Without Lily, organizations only get a partial view of customers, preferences and behaviors – resulting in disjointed and ineffective sales and marketing processes.

We’ve been hard at work behind the scenes making Lily 2.0 everything that we’ve heard enterprise organizations were missing in a Big Data solution. Many of our customers and prospects have told us that one of the biggest pain points was that by the time they had processed the batch data from their database – it was outdated and not indicative of what their customer was going to do NEXT. That’s where Lily differs. According to Benjamin Woo, managing director of Neuralytix and an analyst at GigaOmPro, “The ability to provide a comprehensive view of the customer and predict their propensity towards purchasing products will provide companies with a distinct competitive advantage.  Today’s consumers often make purchase decisions based on their most recent actions, interactions and social engagements, in addition to their historic behavior.”

Worried about fraud prevention, improving marketing effectiveness or the disjointed processes of one to one customer engagement? Lily fixes it.