Tips & Tricks

Tip #1 in Achieving Customer Centricity

It’s not easy for organizations to become customer-centric. So, what prevents them from getting there? There are roadblocks which need to be overcome. First and foremost, achieving customer centricity means making it an obligation from the executive team.

Tip #1: It Starts From the Top

Every organization that wants to be truly customer-centric needs commitment from its executive team. A customer-centric vision and leadership are required to succeed in what, for most companies, will be a cultural transformation. This is because customer centricity requires everyone to be on board, not just customer-facing teams. You can start by demonstrating the benefits and getting as many of your colleagues to experience the customer-centric mind-set to build a movement from within the organization.

Call centers can be a good place to start because of the omni-presence of the customer, and the pain that is felt by call center operators when delivering a bad customer experience. Similarly for marketers, as they are ensuring a consistent and positive brand experience. But, even more unlikely departments, like fraud or collections, can be where the movement starts. These departments will realize that they are dependent on other departments to provide an exceptional customer experience. And, that’s where executive team commitment to customer centricity will make a big difference.

Want to get all 9 tips on how to achieve customer centricity? Click here to get your free guide. 

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